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Thursday, December 15, 2016

104 XDK: Tricky part when opening the download link from email

Continue from previous tutorial, http://xdk-steps.blogspot.my/2016/12/104-xdk-how-to-build-cordova-for-android.html.

1) Email with download links

When you open the email, you will see a list of download links. Most of the time, you may just need the arm link only. Click the arm link and you will be forwarded to a web page.

2) Login Access

You get a login page.

After you have successfully logged in, you will be forwarded to another page that tells you that you have successfully logged in. You may asked to close the page. You may be surprised that there is no download link here.

Switch back to your email and click the link in Step no. 1 again. This time, you will be forwarded to the restricted page and it will automatically download the file to your device.

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