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Thursday, December 15, 2016

104 XDK: How To Build Cordova For Android

104 XDK: How To Build Cordova For Android

1) Build Tab.

Find the Build Tab located at the top of XDK Application window.
Click the tab.

2) Build Requirement.

We cannot build the apps if the requirement is not fulfilled.
There are two requirements that must be fixed.
Developer Certificate.
Build Settings.

3) Developer Certificate.

By clicking the blue link as shown above, we will be directed to the Project Settings page.
Click on the red warning icon and select Create New Developer Certificate
Enter your details.
Keystore Description: notarazi2016
Certificate Alias: notarazi2016
Key Passphrase: {your Passphrase or password}
Confirm Keyphrase: {your Passphrase or password}
(Tick “use this passphrase for the keystore passphrase”)
Owner Name: notarazi
Email Address: notarazi@gmail.com
Company: notarazi
Country: Malaysia
(Tick “use this certificate as default … “)
If you switch back to the Build Tab, you get a different outcome now.

4) Unlock Developer Certificate

Click on the padlock icon to unlock.
Set as below.
The password must be similar to that of step no.3.
Click Unlock button.
You should get response message.
Your padlock icon now has changed.
When the padlock icon is “unlocked”, click Start Builds button.
Wait for the process to complete.

5) Download Application File.

Once the Build process completed, you will see the Green button (“Build Complete”).
You can click the Download button (to download the application file to PC) or to share (to send the link to your email so that you can download it directly to your mobile device).
Once the application file is transferred to your mobile, you can install and run it.

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