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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

DeepLearning With TensorFlowJS 1 - Train Data and Test Data

This tutorial is based on the book Deep Learning With JavaScript (TensorFlowJS).

The first script loads the TensorFlow package and defines the symbol tf, which provides a way to refer to names in TensorFlow.

The second script creates two constants, trainData and testData, each representing 20 samples of how long it took to download a file (timeSec) and the size of that file (sizeMB). The elements in sizeMB and those in timeSec have one-to-one correspondence. For example, the first element of sizeMB in trainData is 0.080 MB, and downloading that file took 0.135 seconds—that is, the first element of timeSec—and so forth.

The goal in this example will be to estimate timeSec, given just sizeMB.


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