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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Intel XDK 1621Create Demo Project jQuery Mobile List View


Intel XDK 1621Create Demo Project jQuery Mobile List View

0) Preparation

Follow this tutorial to setup Intel XDK 1621, http://xdk-steps.blogspot.com/2015/01/how-to-install-intel-xdk-1621.html 

1) Click Work with a Demo link.

2) Choose jQuery Project

3) Define project folder and project name

3.1) Create a project folder, eg c:\projects (do this via File Explorer program)
3.2) Create project name, eg demoMyPrivateNotes
3.3) Click Create
Until you get success message, then select to skip the tour.

4) Project startup window

5) Switch to Code Window

Notice that the codes contain jQuery and jQuery Mobile library reference

6) Switch to Emulate Window

7) Zip your project files

7.1) Zip your project files using File Explorer.

8) Delete your project

8.1) Click the Delete Project button (refer screenshot below)
8.2) Delete the folder using File Explorer
(look! The folder has been deleted from Projects folder)

9) Retrieve Project from backup file (zip)

9.1) Unzip the zipped file

9.2) Back in the XDK Welcome Window, select Open Intel XDK Project

9.3) Browse your folder to find the *.xdk file

9.4) Try Emulate your newly imported project

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