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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Blogger HTML Widget Show Specific Label Posts In Blogger

1.Goto Blogger Layout
2.Add a new Widget. select HTML type.
3.Add the following codes into the body of Widget.

 alternative codes:

JavaScript Compressor Packer Unpacker Obfuscator


1) http://javascriptcompressor.com/

2) http://dean.edwards.name/packer/

3) https://www.strictly-software.com/unpacker/

4) https://javascriptobfuscator.com/Javascript-Obfuscator.aspx

How To Run WordPress with SQLite.


Run WordPress with SQLite.

1) Get a copy of WordPress from here and expand the files in into Web root or wherever you website source is stored.

2) Get the SQLite integration plugin from here and expand the files.

3) Place the SQLite integration plugin folder in your wp-content/plugins directory.

4) Copy the db.php file found in the sqlite-integration folder to wordpress/wp-content folder.

5) Rename wordpress/wp-config-sample.php to wordpress/wp-config.php.

6) Add the following lines in the config file.

define('DB_FILE', 'wordpress.db');
define('DB_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/');

7) Visit your WordPress install url and you should see the setup page.

You can enable the SQLite plugin on the plugins page and visit the Miscellaneous page and optimize the database every time there is a new plugin installed/removed or there is need to do a database cleanup.

Optimization will drop the size of the database by only keeping the required content of posts, pages, and plugins, this will improve the performance of WordPress overall.

alternatively, you may download a prepacked zip file (wordpress v.4):